Garena Master 52.02 Download — Garena — Dota Room

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Garena Master 52.02 Download

Garena Master 
GarenaM4st3r / Garena Master is an opensource Garena hack which removes all the restrictions from Garena gaming client. It has a lots of features including built-in Garena Exp hack, Drophack, NameSpoofer, Auto-room joiner etc. Also, you may use any Warcraft 3 hack safely without any ban, you may use Cheat Engine too. GarenaMaster hack project was originally started by m4st3r but there are many people who contributed in it's development.

Warcraft 1.24e maphack (b/c/d patch also)
Garena Namespoofer
Garena Auto Room Joiner
Removes 5 second error while joining game room
Shows Pings in Digits
Hack protection removed
EXP hack (100/15min Gold, 50/15min Basic)
Leave Room while playing.
Garena Ladder stats in Warcraft 3 Chat.
Garena Super Admin, Gold, Premium, Platinum Styles
Warcraft 3 Drophack
Hide ads in Garena
Warcraft 1.24d Cooldown hack
Warcraft 3 Mana Bars
DotA ESP Hack
Rune Notifier++
More features are being added in automatic updates :)
DotA Mana Bars.
Garena Multi Client for more EXP.

Garena Master Download Link:
GarenaMaster (Updated 24th December 2010)

Garena Master v52.02 Changelogs:
- Changed label "Adv. W3X Config." to "Version Switcher"
- Changed credit label in Dota Features.
- Now the popup created by "Auto Open" of manabar and WarKey will be auto closed.
- Now the Warkey when open by Auto Open will be auto hide to tray icon.
- Removed Compatibility Move, since it not fixed the problem, it's some problem with IE.
- Some bugfix.

Step by Step, Guide:
1. Download Garena Master Hack. Here
2. Extract the files to any folder.
3. Run GM.exe
5. Select the features you wanna run.
7. Run Garena from GarenaMaster's window.
8. Enjoy!


• Beware of using Garena EXP Hack, if might get you banned.
• If Garena updates, do not use it & wait for the GarenaM4st3r to update.
• Run as administrator if you are running it on Windows 7 or Vista.
• Try disabling Auto-Room Joiner feature if you are having problems.
• You can find Garena Master changelogs inside the file.
• Use Garena Master at your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to your Garena account. Note: Don't wanna miss the next map?Subscribe our feedand we will deliver the latest Dota-Allstars map updates toyour emailorRSS reader.

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